Sunday, September 09, 2007

Ron Palsgrove - Showing off the Orange and Grey in New Hampshire!!

Congratulations go out to Ron Palsgrove who, even while on vacation in lovely New Hampshire, chose to do a couple of races.
First things first:  Prior to Ron departing on his 2 week vacation to New England, Mr. Palsgrove took the liberty to upgrade to a CAT 4!!  It sounds as if Ron is back in the groove of things, his fitness has returned, and he is looking forward to attacking the hills and rivals at the Ocala Race Weekend with the rest of the Cat. 4 riders.
Now for his latest results as a newly christened Cat 4 rider:
Ron got 3rd at the New Hampshire International Speedway race held this past Thursday night (9/6/07), and finished with the pack on Saturday over a course described as 'rolling hills'.  Of course, much to his surprise, the hills 'roll' a lot bigger than they do down here in the flat lands.
Congratulations on both counts Ron, and we look forward to riding and racing with you when you return.

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